Fund Selection: your super, your choice
26 April 2022
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Eligible South Australian public sector workers will be able to choose their preferred superannuation fund under new laws that come into effect 30 November 2022
Fund Selection and Limited Public Offer
Most Triple S members, including new public sector employees, will be given the option to choose a superannuation fund that suits their personal needs, under new laws that have passed State Parliament.
For many years, membership of the state’s Triple S scheme administered through Super SA has been mandatory for public servants.
This change in legislation strongly aligns to our commitment to always work in members’ best interests.
In addition to Fund Selection, we will also provide a Limited Public Offering (LPO) to our existing members. This will enable eligible Triple S and Super SA Select members who also work outside the SA Government to direct their contributions from non-SA Government employers to our taxed fund, Super SA Select.
Eligible members with multiple employers both within SA Government and outside of SA Government will be able to have all their super under the one roof. Super SA will be able to accept employer contributions from non-Government employers.
Triple S members who have ceased employment with the state government will also be able to have contributions relating to non-SA Government employment paid into Super SA Select.
Special Fund Selection arrangements have been made for Emergency Services groups who are members of Triple S (police and ambulance officers) to ensure their compulsory contributions and mandatory levels of insurance are maintained.
Eligible members (including police and ambulance members) may be able to transfer existing accumulated account balances from Triple S and Super SA Select to other complying funds. Conditions apply.
Fund Selection and Limited Public Offer will both come into effect from 30 November 2022, for more information visit Your Super, Your Choice.