Member Super Education

Member Super Education

When it comes to your people, we’re here to support you

We too want the best for your employees. We believe that every member should have the tools they need to make the right decisions now, so they can live their best life in retirement.

Our education content has been developed with every member in mind. That’s why we cover a range of topics to suit members at any stage of their super journey.

Click on the options below for more information.

  • Available online, our webinars cover a wide range of topics and are held at various times of the month.

    You can log in from anywhere as long as you have a smartphone, laptop or desktop device with an internet connection. Webinars run optimally in Google Chrome or Microsoft Teams which you can download for free.

    Our webinars typically run for around 30 to 60 minutes. Our presenters take questions throughout the session via a live chat box function.

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    Triple S - Understanding your Super

    New to Super SA, want a refresher or just need a super overview? This is the webinar for you. You’ll learn how to consolidate super, your insurance options, your available investment options, tax advantages, how to put super to work and much more.

    Insurance options within Triple S

    This webinar will help you gain a thorough understanding of the types of insurance that are available to you and  the different types of cover if you’re a Triple S member.

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    Contributions – How to grow your Super

    If you’re considering making super contributions but want to learn more about the different kinds available as well as how to start contributing now, this is a great webinar. You’ll also see case studies of how today’s contributions can impact your future.


    Got super all over the place and want to bring it all together? Lost super and don’t know where it is? This webinar will teach you how to find it, what to consider before you consolidate, the positive benefits of consolidation and how it can fit into your overall financial plan. Ideal for Triple S members.

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    Early Access to Super – Thinking of transitioning to retirement?

    This webinar is ideal if you’re nearing or considering retirement or if you would like to learn how you can transition to retirement. Learn more about the different options Super SA have to allow you to live your best life.

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    Triple S — Planning your best

    The ideal webinar for members who are planning or thinking about retirement. This session will help you understand what retiring really means, key things to consider as well as the changes you can make now in order to live your best life.

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    Post Retirement Products – Staying with Super SA in Retirement

    Learn about our Income Stream and Flexible Rollover products, and most importantly, how to put super to work both before and after you retire. Considering retirement, in retirement or just want to know more? Don’t miss this.

    Flexible Rollover Product

    This webinar will help you understand the features and benefits of our Flexible Rollover Product. It is ideal for members who are thinking about retiring, in retirement or want to know more about the options available. We’ll take you through what you can do as a Super SA member.

    Income Stream

    If you’re thinking about retirement and want to know more about our Income Stream product, this webinar will help you understand how it works. You’ll also learn the different strategies available if you become an Income Stream investor.

    Specialist webinars

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    Financial Wellness for Women and Super

    A webinar focused on women and how women’s financial needs for now and the future can be unique, even complicated. This webinar will provide insights on women’s financial futures and give plenty of tips on how to make the most out of super.

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    Lump Sum Scheme– Steps to your retirement

    This session is for Lump Sum members planning or thinking about retirement.

    This webinar will give you an understanding of retirement, what you need to consider about it as well as what changes you can make today to make a real difference for your future.

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    Early Access to Super

    This seminar is ideal if you’re nearing or considering retirement and would like to learn more about what super options are available to you. You’ll learn about what you can do to live your best life in retirement.

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    Post Retirement Products

    In this seminar, you’ll learn how to put your super to work both before and after you retire. You’ll learn about our Income Stream product and other post-retirement options. If you’re considering retirement, are in retirement or want to know more about your current and future options, you don’t want to miss this one.

    Triple S — My Retirement

    This session will help you understand what retirement means as well as the changes you can make now in order to live the post-work life you really want. Ideal for members who are planning or thinking about retirement.

    Understanding your Super

    If you’re new to Super SA, not sure how super works yet or just want a refresher, this is the perfect seminar. You’ll learn everything from how to consolidate super, your available investment options, tax advantages and much more. Overall, you’ll learn how to put your super to work to get an ideal outcome for your future.

    Our dedicated team holds seminars in both metropolitan and regional areas throughout the year. Our seminars are in-person.

    They usually run between 60 to 90 minutes. During this time, you’ll be able to ask as many questions as you like. Partners are welcome.

    If you’re interested in any of our seminars and would like to know more, don’t hesitate to register your interest below.

    One of our Member Education officers will get back to you as soon as possible.

Can’t find what you’re looking for? We offer tailored workplace seminars. Email us at or contact your Business Relationship Manager.