Financial planners: Triple S

Triple S

For over 25 years, the Triple S Scheme has been the default super scheme for South Australian Government employees. Triple S stands for Southern State Superannuation Scheme.

  • The Triple S Scheme is an untaxed super fund which means members don’t pay tax upfront. In line with rules for untaxed funds, members will only be taxed when entitlements are paid out.

    Members are unable to claim tax deductions on any personal contributions they may make.

  • The Triple S Scheme has no annual concessional contribution caps, however, a lifetime cap of $1.78m applies (read the Triple S PDS for further details).
  • Triple S also offers a variety of investment options which will allow members to take more control of their futures. They can choose a single investment option, a combination of options or invest future contributions in a variety of options as they wish. You can find the investment options switching form here.
  • Triple S allows members to create accounts for their partners as ‘spouse members’, even if their spouses do not work as SA public sector employees.
  • The Government Co-Contribution scheme rewards your clients with a contribution of up to $500 if they make a voluntary after-tax contribution. The main prerequisite is that they earn less than $60,400 in the 2024/25 financial year.
  • Members of Triple S are unable to access the Low Income Super Tax Offset (LISTO) or First Home Super Saver (FHSSS) Scheme. These benefits are available to members of our Select and Flexible Rollover Plan schemes.

For detailed information about the Triple S Scheme, click through to any of the below

Triple S scheme fact sheets

The superannuation schemes administered by Super SA are exempt public sector superannuation schemes and are not regulated by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) or the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA). Super SA is not required to hold an Australian Financial Services Licence to provide general advice about a Super SA product. The information in this publication is of a general nature only and has been prepared without taking into account your objectives, financial situation, or needs. Super SA recommends that before making any decisions about its products you consider the appropriateness of this information in the context of your own objectives, financial situation, and needs, read the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS), and seek financial advice from a licensed financial adviser in relation to your financial position and requirements.