Financial planning and advice

Financial planning and advice

Imagine your superannuation journey as a mountain to climb, with the peak being a comfortable retirement. Financial planning and advice can serve as a trusted guide to help you along the way.

What is financial planning and advice?

Financial planning is the process of having a licensed financial planner assess your financial situation and develop a plan to help you achieve your goals¹.

Financial advice refers to the Statement of Advice (SOA) the planner makes after assessing your financial goals, needs and the best path for you.

Both can play a key role in helping you manage your super. Financial planning is like having a guide to help you navigate the mountain, while financial advice is the compass to show you the way and your SOA is the map.

Get educated about financial planning and advice

Want to learn more about financial planning and advice? Our Seeking Financial Advice webinar covers a range of topics, including:

  • The value financial advice can deliver
  • How to find a financial planner
  • How much financial advice costs
  • What you need to bring to the first meeting

Find out more >
1 Super SA is not required to hold an Australian Financial Services License to provide general advice about its products. The information in this document is of a general nature only and has been prepared without taking into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. Before making any decisions about the schemes administered by Super SA, you should consider the appropriateness of this information in the context of your own objectives, financial situation and needs, read the relevant Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) available and seek financial advice from a licensed financial adviser in relation to your own circumstances. Super SA and the State Government disclaim all liability for all claims, losses, damages, costs or expenses whatsoever (including consequential or incidental loss or damage), which arise as a result of or in connection with any use of, or reliance upon, any information in this document.