Portfolio Holdings Disclosure
Portfolio Holdings Disclosure
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Funds SA1 (Super SA’s investment Manager) invests in specialist investment managers across a wide range of investment strategies. Portfolio Holdings Disclosures provides transparency to members by showing the investments that their superannuation is invested in. The disclosures are updated twice a year. Portfolio Holdings specifically shows you how much of each option is invested in each asset. The Portfolio Holdings data provided is for the end of each six-month period (December and June). The information provided is as at 30 June 2024.
Below, after selecting your scheme, you can download a file to view the details of the underlying assets in that scheme by investment option.
There is a lot of detail contained in these files and to help you navigate the information we have compiled a quick guide below to help you navigate. Please note, the file contains two tabs, the first being Assets Table 1 and the second being Derivatives Tables 2-4.
- Understanding Table 1: Assets
This tab helps you understand investments (assets) which make up each investment option, by asset class (that is by cash, fixed income, listed and unlisted equities, properties or alternative asset classes), the dollar value of each asset, and percentage of the total investment option value each asset contributes.
To help you sort through the information, we recommend using the filters available as this will help you narrow down what investment option and investment you are looking to learn more about.
- Assets Table 1 includes filters for investment option, the asset class, whether the asset is listed or unlisted (on an exchange), whether the asset is external or not, the name of the asset, whether any units are held or not, the value of the asset holding (in Australian Dollars), and the percentage held within the Option portfolio.
- The column Weighting % means the percentage of the value of the asset relative to the total investment option value.
Note that some columns do not relate to all asset types, and as a result some cells are left intentionally blank.
- Understanding Table 2 to 4: Derivatives
This section helps you understand what derivatives (if any) are included in the investment option.
Derivatives Tables 2-4 provides the following details for each option:
- Table 2 - Derivatives by kind of derivative
- Table 3 - Derivatives by asset class
- Table 4 - Derivatives by currency.
To download the file, please click the scheme name below:
- Super SA Select
- Flexible Rollover Product
- Income Stream (Retirement Income Stream)
- Transition to Retirement Income Stream (TTR)
- Lump Sum
- Parliamentary Superannuation Scheme 3
- Super SA Southern State Superannuation
Please note that the Stable investment option was previously named Conservative.
Looking to learn more on how your investments are managed?
Click below to learn more about investing, risks and responsible investing.
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1 The value of an investment, strategic allocations or the actual composition of individual investment options may change from time to time. Investment returns aren’t guaranteed as all investments carry some risk. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. Funds SA does not warrant the accuracy of the information and to the extent permitted by law, disclaims responsibility for any loss or damage of any nature whatsoever which may be suffered by any person directly or indirectly through relying upon it whether that loss or damage is caused by any fault or negligence of Funds SA or otherwise. The report contains factual information only and does not constitute financial product advice. Funds SA has not taken into account any individual’s objectives, financial situation or needs when providing this information. You should consider your own objectives, financial situation and needs and seek professional advice before making an investment decision.