Transition to Retirement: How TTR works
How Transition to Retirement works
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Start a Transition to Retirement to increase your salary sacrifice and maintain your take home pay
See how it works
To understand how a TTR strategy could help your retirement, visit the Retirement Income calculator and include a TTR when you get to the Your super tab.
Example of a TTR in action
Anita is aged 60 and earns $70,000 a year with a Triple S balance of $300,000.
Anita would like to keep working and maintain the same take home income, while maximising her retirement benefit.
By utilising salary sacrifice as part of a TTR strategy, Anita can maintain the same take home salary each fortnight. This would result in an increase of more than $42,000 in Anita’s retirement benefit at 67.
If Anita had an income of $100,000 instead of $70,000 and a Triple S balance of $500,000 instead of $300,000 the benefit of including a TTR strategy would increase to more than $76,000.

Assumptions for Anita's TTR strategy
- Employer super contributions of 11% up to 12% by 1 July 2025
- Investment rate of return of 5% per annum net of investment and operational risk reserve costs
- Price inflation rate of 2% per annum and salary inflation rate of 3.2% per annum
- Insurance premiums of $300 per annum
- Administration fees of $70.20 per annum plus 0.05% of the account balance (capped at $325 per annum)
- 26 fortnights per annum
For personalised one-on-one advice about your superannuation and transition to retirement, speak to a licensed financial planner.
Learn more about retirement planning
Are you thinking about retirement? Whether the big day’s five years or one year away, it’s time to take action to get yourself on the right track for a well-planned, comfortable future.