Setting financial goals

16 February 2024
Female in orange top sitting at table and mobile phone in hands
Managing your money and setting financial goals

It’s always the perfect time to start planning and setting financial goals for your retirement, regardless of what stage of life you are at. It doesn’t matter whether you are 18 and taking your first steps into the workforce, 36 and in the middle of your career, or 54 and looking to ease into retirement – small steps now can make a world of difference when you are ready to retire, so start today.

If that sounds like too much to take on board right now, don’t fret. We’ve got some simple steps to help you get started, and you can even do them from the comfort of your home.

Check if you are on track to retire comfortably

Our Super Projection Calculator is your go-to tool to see if you are on track to retire comfortably. It shows you how much super you’ll have when you retire based on your current trajectory, and what sort of difference any personal contributions you make or investment options you choose will have on your projected balance.

We're here to support you

We recommend seeking financial advice from a professional before making any decisions that could impact your super. You can choose your own financial planner, or take advantage of the financial planning services available through Industry Fund Services (IFS). You can also contact the Financial Planning Association (FPA) and access their 'Find a Planner' service to locate an FPA member near you. 

If you would like to make an appointment with an Industry Fund Services (IFS) planner, we can organise that for you. Please call our friendly Advice Administration team on 1300 162 348 between 9:00 am until 5:00 pm (local time) on Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays. Alternatively, complete the online form below.

Help your super grow with extra contributions

Kickstart your super growth this year by looking into salary sacrifice and after-tax contributions. These contributions can really boost your super, putting you on track for a comfortable retirement. Every contribution in the here and now, no matter how big or small, can compound into a lot of growth over time.

Check out the different investment options

Did you know that if you’re with Super SA's Triple S scheme, you can pick between seven investment options1, each with its own goal, time horizon, and level of risk? Balanced is the default option, but you can switch to any of them or choose to invest in any combination of the seven depending on your goals:

Investment Option




Invest in ways aimed at a target rate of return over 10+ years


High Growth

Invest in ways aimed at a target rate of return over 10+ years


Socially Responsible

Invest in ways, using socially responsible investment criteria, aimed at achieving a target rate of return over 10+ years



Invest in ways aimed at achieving a target rate of return over 6+ years

Medium to High


Invest in ways aimed at achieving a target rate of return over 4+ years


Capital Defensive

Invest in ways aimed at achieving a target rate of return over 2+ years



Invest in ways that have less risk, but lower potential long-term returns


Consolidate your super

If you have more than one super fund, consolidating them into one fund2 could save you money and time and give you better control. Less funds means less fees, less paperwork, and can be managed in one place. One in four Australians miss out on their share of billions of dollars in lost or unclaimed super. Save yourself from being one of them.

Let us educate you

For your new year’s resolution, consider checking out our webinars and seminars. We cover many different topics relating to super, from how much money you might need to retire to what you can do now to boost your super and what government and tax incentives might be available to you. By attending just a few, you can educate and empower yourself to make better decisions with your super. If it’s easier for us to come to you at your workplace, we can do that too! Bring along some of your co-workers.

If you are approaching 60, consider TTR

Transition to Retirement is a strategy that can help those who are nearing retirement but aren’t quite ready yet ease into it. It lets you access a part of your super as income while you’re still working, meaning you can work less and even boost your super while taking home the same pay. Unlike regular income, you can receive your payments whenever it suits you, and if you’re over 60, they’re tax-free.


Just like that, you have started thinking about planning and setting financial goals for your retirement. And don’t forget, you are not alone. Superannuation is your voyage, but we are here to steer you in the right direction, this year or any year.

1 For more information about Super SA’s investment options, please see the relevant Investment Guide available at
2 Before consolidating your super, you should check with your other super fund(s) and refer to their relevant Product Disclosure Statements to see if rolling out will impact any of your benefits (e.g., your insurance cover). You may also consider seeking advice from a financial planner.

Super SA has engaged Industry Fund Services (IFS) (ABN 54 007 016 195 AFSL No. 232514) to facilitate the provision of financial advice to members of the superannuation schemes administered by Super SA. Advice is provided by financial planners who are Representatives of IFS. Fees may apply. Further information about the services can be found in the relevant IFS Financial Services Guide, a copy of which is available from your IFS financial planner or by calling Super SA on 1300 162 348. IFS is responsible for any advice given by its Representatives. Super SA and the State Government do not recommend, endorse or accept responsibility for products or services provided or recommended by third party organisations, including IFS and does not accept liability for any claims, losses, damages, costs or expenses whatsoever caused by the products and services or products provided or recommended by IFS (or any other third party organisation).
The superannuation schemes administered by Super SA are exempt public sector superannuation schemes and are not regulated by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) or the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA). Super SA is not required to hold an Australian Financial Services Licence to provide general advice about a Super SA product. The information in this publication is of a general nature only and has been prepared without taking into account your objectives, financial situation, or needs. Super SA recommends that before making any decisions about its products you consider the appropriateness of this information in the context of your own objectives, financial situation, and needs, read the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS), and seek financial advice from a licensed financial adviser in relation to your financial position and requirements.