Withdraw your Super

Request to withdraw your super – Triple S, Flexible Rollover Product and Income Stream investors

You may be looking to withdraw a lump sum from your super to pay for a holiday, bills or some other purpose.

Provided you meet a condition of release, you can access your super by completing our Withdraw your super form and sending it to us. Before you do, there is important information below to help you understand the process and avoid delays in getting the funds you need.

There is information we need from you to process your request to protect you from fraud and scams – this also helps us to ensure that payments are made to the correct person.

Plan ahead – it can take up to 10 business days to process your request.

  • Your super doesn’t work in the same way as a bank account so it’s important to plan your finances in advance.

We need a current Certified Identification (ID) to verify your identity 

  • You may have already provided us with Certified ID, but if that has expired (or over 2 years post expiry for Australian Passports), we cannot use this to verify your identity.
  • If this is the case, provide Certified ID with your completed form to avoid any delays with your payment. You can call our Member Services team on 08 8214 7800 to check if you are unsure.

What is Certified ID and how do I provide it?

  • Certified ID is a copy of an identification document, such as your Driver’s License, that we use to verify your identity, which has been certified by an independent person.

  • We can certify identity documents at our Member Centre, or you can arrange for a copy of your ID to be certified by a range of people including a Justice of Peace, public servant, pharmacist or police officer. Be sure to let them know when they are certifying your copy that they include their signature, name, position and professional registration/licence number (if applicable), organisation or professional stamp (if applicable) and date of certification.

  • More information on certification, including a list of people who can certify your identification documents, can be found on this information sheet.

You may need to provide us with a copy of your bank account details

  • If you are an Income Stream investor and have already provided your bank account details for your regular payments and wish to have your lump sum withdrawal paid into this account, you can skip this step.
  • For all other requests, or if you would like your lump sum withdrawal paid into another bank account, you need to send a copy (this can be a photocopy or photo and doesn’t need to be certified) of the section of your bank statement that shows the Account Name, BSB number and Account Number.

Complete the form correctly, print it off and physically sign it 

  • Avoid delays by making sure you have completed the form correctly as we can’t start to process your request until we have all the information we need from you. To help you, read the checklist below so that you are prepared before you complete the form.

We’re here to help if you have any questions or need help with the form. Please contact our Member Services team by phone on 08 8214 7800, email to supersa@sa.gov.au or visit our Member Centre on the ground floor at 151 Pirie Street, Adelaide (enter via Pulteney Street).

Form checklist

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Client Number
You can find this on the Member Portal or your Annual Statement, or you can call our Member Services team on 08 8214 7800.

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Tax File Number
You do not need to provide this but there may be tax implications if you choose not to.

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Up to date Certified ID documents
You need to supply this with your form if we don’t already have an up-to-date Certified ID on file – i.e. not expired or within 2 years of expiry for Australian passports.

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Bank account details
A copy of the part that the Account Name, BSB and Account Number (unless we already have this on file for Income Stream product holders).


Your scheme and Product ID
You will need to select which scheme you want to withdraw your super from. If you don’t know what scheme you are in, check the Member Portal or your Annual Statement.

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Do you have access to a printer?
You need to print your completed form, sign it and post it to us or email a scanned copy to us.

Once we receive your completed form, you will receive an acknowledgement email from us that we have received it. If we need anything further from you, we will get in touch with you via phone or email. A reminder that it can take up to 10 business days to see the money go into your account from the date that we receive your correctly completed form with all required information.

Super Withdrawal Information

For more information about withdrawing from your super account, please read the relevant Product Disclosure Statement, that you can access below.

The superannuation schemes administered by Super SA are exempt public sector superannuation schemes and are not regulated by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) or the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA). Super SA is not required to hold an Australian Financial Services Licence to provide general advice about a Super SA product. The information in this publication is of a general nature only and has been prepared without taking into account your objectives, financial situation, or needs. Super SA recommends that before making any decisions about its products you consider the appropriateness of this information in the context of your own objectives, financial situation, and needs, read the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS), and seek financial advice from a licensed financial adviser in relation to your financial position and requirements.